Squash Merging a PR on GitHub with a Clean Commit History: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Ateefah - hkhazo.biz.id

Squash Merging a PR on GitHub with a Clean Commit History: A Step-by-Step Guide

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As a developer, you’ve worked hard to perfect your code, and now it’s time to merge your pull request (PR) on GitHub. But, oh no! You realize that your commit history is a mess. Fear not, dear developer! In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of squash merging a PR on GitHub with a clean commit history.

What is Squash Merging?

Squash merging is a Git technique that allows you to combine multiple commits into a single commit. This is useful when you want to preserve a clean commit history, especially when working with a large team or on a complex project.

Why Squash Merging is Important

Squash merging provides several benefits, including:

  • Improved Code Readability: A clean commit history makes it easier for others to understand the changes made to the codebase.
  • Reduced Noise: Squash merging eliminates unnecessary commits, reducing the noise in your commit history.
  • Faster Code Review: With a clean commit history, code reviews become faster and more efficient.

Preparing for Squash Merging

Before we dive into the squash merging process, make sure you have the following:

  • A GitHub account: You need a GitHub account to create and manage your repositories.
  • A local Git repository: You should have a local Git repository with your code changes.
  • A pull request (PR) created: You should have created a PR on GitHub with your changes.

Squash Merging a PR on GitHub

Now, let’s walk through the step-by-step process of squash merging a PR on GitHub:

Step 1: Checkout the PR Branch

Open your terminal and checkout the PR branch using the following command:

git checkout <PR-branch-name>

Replace <PR-branch-name> with the actual name of your PR branch.

Step 2: Interactive Rebase

Enter interactive rebase mode using the following command:

git rebase -i HEAD~<number-of-commits>

Replace <number-of-commits> with the number of commits you want to squash. For example, if you want to squash 5 commits, use:

git rebase -i HEAD~5

This will open an interactive shell where you can edit your commit history.

Step 3: Squash Commits

In the interactive shell, you’ll see a list of commits with the following format:

pick <commit-hash> <commit-message>

To squash a commit, replace pick with squash. For example:

squash <commit-hash> <commit-message>

Do this for each commit you want to squash.

Step 4: Edit Commit Message

After squashing commits, you’ll need to edit the commit message. You can do this by replacing the existing message with a new one or by using the -e option to edit the message:

git commit -e

This will open an editor where you can edit the commit message.

Step 5: Force Push

Once you’ve edited the commit message, force push the changes to your remote repository using the following command:

git push -f origin <PR-branch-name>

This will update the PR branch on your remote repository.

Step 6: Update the PR

Finally, update the PR on GitHub by clicking the “Update pull request” button.

Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips to help you master squash merging:

TIP 1: Use Git Aliases

Create Git aliases to simplify the squash merging process. For example, you can create an alias for interactive rebase:

git config --global alias.ri 'rebase -i'

Then, use the alias to enter interactive rebase mode:

git ri HEAD~5

TIP 2: Use Git Tools

Utilize Git tools like gitk --all or git log --graph --oneline to visualize your commit history and identify areas for improvement.

TIP 3: Communicate with Your Team

Remember to communicate with your team about the changes you’re making to the commit history. This will help avoid confusion and ensure a smooth collaboration process.


Squash merging a PR on GitHub with a clean commit history is a powerful technique that can improve code readability, reduce noise, and speed up code reviews. By following the step-by-step guide and tips outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a Git master.


Here are some frequently asked questions about squash merging:

What is the difference between squash merging and rebase? Squash merging combines multiple commits into a single commit, while rebase rewrites the commit history to remove unnecessary commits.
Can I squash merge a PR with multiple authors? Yes, you can squash merge a PR with multiple authors by using the --author option when committing changes.
Will squash merging affect my GitHub PR? No, squash merging will not affect your GitHub PR. It will only update the commit history.

I hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive guide to squash merging a PR on GitHub with a clean commit history. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Questions

Squashing commits on GitHub can be a daunting task, but fear not, dear developer! We’ve got you covered with these frequently asked questions about merging a PR on GitHub with a clean commit history.

What is the difference between squashing and merging commits?

Squashing commits allows you to combine multiple commits into a single commit, effectively flattening the commit history. Merging, on the other hand, preserves the commit history, creating a new merge commit that points to the previous commits. Squashing is ideal for keeping a clean commit history, while merging is suitable for preserving the commits’ individuality.

Why is it important to have a clean commit history?

A clean commit history makes it easier to track changes, debug issues, and maintain a sense of order in your codebase. It also helps to reduce noise and clutter, making it simpler for team members to understand the project’s evolution.

How do I squash commits on GitHub?

To squash commits on GitHub, you can use the “Squash and merge” option when merging a pull request. This will combine all the commits into a single commit, and you can then edit the commit message to include any necessary information.

What happens to the commit history when I squash commits?

When you squash commits, the individual commit history is lost, and a new commit is created with the combined changes. This means that the original commit hashes will no longer be valid, and any links to those commits will be broken.

Can I squash commits after they’ve already been pushed to GitHub?

Yes, but with caution! You can use Git’s interactive rebase feature to squash commits locally, then force-push the updated branch to GitHub. However, this will rewrite the commit history, which can cause issues for others who may have already pulled the original commits.